Final thoughts
At the end of this project, I wrote 3 letters and sent 2 of them. I was planning to write 5, but due to difficulties in the process, I tried to work with what I was capable of at the moment.

In the end, I think this project was worth a try. Of course, a lot of things could be improved and I could have done more, but that is often the case with any project I do.
I am a bit proud of myself of doing what I did, even if it doesn’t feel like enough in the end. Writing for me is hard, and overcoming anxieties is even harder, but I managed to push through and accomplish something.

These letters are a start, a start of me putting more effort into keeping my relationships, especially long-distance, alive, a start of me being more aware of my self-isolation habits, a start of me pushing past my anxieties and reaching out to friends. A start of me writing letters as well.
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